Why An Adjustable Rate Mortgage Can Be Beneficial
Why An Adjustable Rate Mortgage Can Be Beneficial Adjustable or Fixed? That�s one of the decisions you�ll need when considering a new mortgage either for a purchase or for a refinance. When rates are at relative lows and the expectation is to keep the property well into the future it can make sense to latch onto a fixed rate loan. A fixed rate loan is much easier to budget for as the home owner knows how much the mortgage payment will be throughout the life of the loan. It�s easier to plan for. Pick out a fixed rate term, lock in the rate and forget it. But does that mean an adjustable rate mortgage is rarely an option? Should borrowers ever even consider a variable rate loan? The answer, even in times of low rates, is yes. There are times when an adjustable rate mortgage can be beneficial. Adjustable rate home loans can have an interest rate change at various points throughout the life of the loan. For a 1-year loan adjustable rate loan, the rate can change once per ye...